Mud In Your Eye Creatives invite you to join them at Winnipeg Christian Centre, every Thursday from 6:00-8:00 pm for Creative Recharge. Paint, write, flag, nap, dream... connect with your Creator in a safe and intimate atmosphere. There are easels, paint, brushes, flags, tables and comfy chairs set up for you to let go of the cares and concerns of the day and get recharged through your creative process.
What to expect: Set up is from 6-6:15, with casual chit chat, followed by largely inspiring instrumental music until 8:00 p.m. After 8:00, you are welcome to chat, get some feedback on your work if you like, and get ready to go home.
You can bring your own supplies, but if you come without them, and the spirit suddenly encourages you to paint or draw or write, we have supplies available to accommodate you.
Hope to see you there.